Seeing Red , in Red

As you maybe aware NZ , at midnight last night went into lockdown . Some buisnesses before the “Traffic lights” got started were over reaching , asking for vaccine passports , when not advised by the govt . I tried to visit a friend in a retirement home , which is like a prison now , with nurses saying who can and cannot come in , won’t fetch the resident , don’t pass on messages , and I suspect , steal gifts intended for residents – it’s unique in that no matter which side it’s looked at , it makes sense to the mind , effectively making it a 4 in 1 drawing . If the nurse has kept it , she will be billed for it via the rest homes main office . The news she was expecting , about another mutual friend whom neither of us had seen for some time , so out to north Wellington on the train-bus , and back , only to be lied to by an arrogant lazy nurse . She was advised nicely , to pass on the message & the art peice – that is yet to be asertained .

The annoying neighbour , last night = 2.05am , decided to play ” Bob the Builder” , throwing planks around for long enough to wake residents – done due to his guilty conscience , about harassing the neighbours , being named & shamed , and it’s still dropping weights all thru the day , with no care about his imeadiate neighbours , a couple of whom are shift workers at the local Hospital .

Even the beginnings and ends of days are again colourful – most likely due to dust from the eruption near Tonga , in which the new Crater blew itself to oblivion , leaving two older sections of the Crater rim – it’s 20 miles across in total . The bit that blew , was all recent deposits from the last aprox 50 years . The planets temperature maybe dropping a bit now , as the HCL damage from prescribed drugs , starts getting agrivated enough for a low dose of short action codeine , to test how long it takes to lose effectiveness and a stronger slow release , needs to be used reluctantly , due to reactions . Helpful hint with reducing ‘blockages’ re codeine , Fresh raw food if possible , along with fresh fruit , as it’s the fiber that helps move things nicely without any strain .

The cold I had , is suspected to have been from shed particles from vaccinated people around town. It got hit with high doses of Vit C – up to 6,000mg spread thru the day , extra DE along with the usual Selenium and Zinc , oh and there’s also additional oxygen going into the ‘wild water’ used for drinking . For some meds , I may have to go on a bus trip for a day

NZ’s second Summer of Covid – first with delta

The latest outbreak here, started in Auckland, however some very “intelligent students” & others, spread it to Wellington – it’s cleared here to my knowledge, yet the wearing of masks – all the time – has increased. Some other Aucklanders have falsified application to leave Auckland’s lockdown – got it & pissed off folks up the far north, no end, as did the infected, who went south, into the Waikato & the Coromandel area, & got the lockdowns extended both in area & level, along with a time extension. A few cases of undiagnosed sars-cov-2, have turned up at various hospitals in Auckland for other reasons entirely,, put into a ward, retested & the ward got isolated, due to the initial clear tests that got the patient into the ward. The MD with whom I have most dealings at the hospital, has asked a couple of times if I’ve vaxed yet – & the same response is given, still researching the virus + mutants, & the reported adverse reactions . No push back on that answer, then it’s “I’m after this for you as I don’t want to see you in this place with covid”. Nice of the MD to be so concerned. I did advise, that I would prefer the natural immunity, as my body has to deal with the whole virus, not just the dam spikes like the vaccine does, which means a ‘forever profitable, cash cow’ as with each new form of vaccine, to deal with mutations, its another $1, into big pharma pockets. There’s been much discussion recently about “vaccine passports” to enable travel / venue access etc, yet this Vax passport, discriminates against the naturaly immune from exposure to the whole virus. A legal challenge has been mounted by a naturaly – by the virus itself – immunity, who has been refused access to venues etc, just because he’s not neede the vaccine, due to the natural immunity, wherein the body deals with the whole virus, not just the spikes, Fauchi & Co are fixated on, due to Fauchi Haveing funded ” Gain function ” reaserch. A recent article, reported that the world military Olympics, were held in China, the year prior to the Wuhan virus becoming News Worthy. There were reports post the military Olympics, of cases similar to the Wuhan virus appearing in participants after the games finished. This would have been seen by Beijing, as a ‘golden opportunity’ to start a war, without using a “Wepon of mass destruction”, just a ‘wee leak, from our labs, into the assembled crowds, sacrafice a few locals & there’s the start of a Bio-wepons war.

The ‘elites’ are a part of this problem, and the sooner their attitudes change the better, as nothing much is ever completed well, without co-operation. A Gardner or Farmer knows, if they have sense enough, to follow the lunar calander, for cropping, or getting animals pregnant – people are a little different on that matter.

About 8 years ago an Avacados was planted in the park – perfect place, plenty of water & enough direct sun. At least one has come up & s doing well ; several peach, plum , nectarine & apricot stones have also been deposited, which as long as “the freinds of the park” don’t find them & cut them out, as the stones were put in to help the birds with food, and the odd person, with fruit, though when these trees start fruiting, they may get treated like the daffodils – here today, gone tomorrow – usually children, not knowing the difference between ripe and still green fruit. The children decided that last year’s grape crop, was theirs for a game of marbles, & the one of 3 apricot trees which bore fruit, had a night time raider – the fruit appeared ripe, yet it was still green – they even use the green apples, as balls for some game – the birds don’t say no to the bits of green fruit, as long as they can ick it off.

The yoghurt recipe, has been messed with – by me – so it’s not thicker than previously, due to emptying in 1 probiotic cap into the mix, prepare as usual. If it’s a fruit base, add some dried fruits which will help enhance the flavour, & improves your gut biota, a lot .

Tough meat ? Try sprinkling a pinch or two of baking Soda, over the ready preped – sliced etc – meat, allow to stand overnight, add flavourings at this time also, it gives then a chance to go right thru – this works with beans & Lentils also – soak first, drain refresh soak, drain then cover with water, add the baking Soda & cook. I often do a long slow cook of the entire dish, which helps if you have trouble with teeth or dentures & chewy stuff, the baking saoda, softens it just nicely, and as an added benifit, it helps to alkalise the body, this means Less pain in the joints, less acid repeats & more, as one gently alkalise the body, to its natural state.

Spring, is sprung & Summer is born. The flowers for spring came out earlier than usual, though some have continued the displays of colour, from Camelias, Rhododendrons, late? Magnolias in a range of colours from white, thru the pink/whites on into the deep red ones. Cordylines are all on their way to flowering – of the 8 around this place, only 3 are late bloomers, the rest, send their aroma out on the wind, where the flowers are out – such a distinct aroma, same with the cherry tress that are all in Bloom, most of them bird sowen, looking beautiful, in their abundance of white flowers .Other Native trees are starting to Bloom , like the Kowhai , noticeable due to its bright yellow drooping panacles of flowers, othe native trees are often smelt & go un-noticed, due to their size, colour & location on the tree or shrub, all of which goes to make for enjoyable walks along the bush tracks, with bird song, if they aren’t hunting, & “wild” water burbling along its course.


Something everyone gets issued off with – the latest numbers from the Govt put NZ’s case load is closer to 300 , with traces detected in Christchurch’sewage – it’s claimed to be fragments from past infections , which sounds right for what’s been gained from a captured virus, which yo my knowledge, has not occurred. Went into the city earlier – it was like being in a ghost town. Jay walkers abounded, for the numbers on foot, most of whom are masked in or away from the central buisness district. The vaccination program is apparently way behind schedule, yet there’s recently been a dropping of age eligibility – the Beuracrats, are running scared on that.

Social distancing is in some cases, is being taken to extremes with some crossing the road, just to keep 6 feet distance – 3 lanes of traffic should have been plenty, along with the 5 feet left on the pavement with a masked person ; guess the pedestrian was being overly cautious or a bit paranoid or Anxious. Hard to tell these days, theres so much of it about. It’s getting to feel like there’s foul weather from the uptick in wind noise & the energy other than wind, in the environment that’s going to the bones & agrivateing to the nerves – & that’s inside. Outside its extra layers to not feel it. πŸ˜ŽπŸ™‚

Lockdowns extended, for Auckland & Northland – the rest of the population have been advised that as of Tuesday midnight, it’s Level 3, which may see the farmers markets operateing again , which would beet the supermarkets & their tricks at getting the most profits from the least sales, via “recycling” some items = redecorating & putting back on the shelf, or the other tricks to extend d the fresh produce, which is the main reason for using the farmers markets & the wholesale that supplys the Hospitality & catering trades, as both have reputations to maintain, so cannot afford to play the supermarkets games with food that’s past it’s dates.

The covid numbers are over 200 now, with at least 14 in Wellington – the rest in Auckland & Northland & fortunately for the South Island, no cases as yet, though the MIQ facility seems to be shedding viral scraps into the waste water, which caused a bit of a stir.

The city is like a Ghost town, with very little traffic, a few cyclists & a few more walking – with masks on, mostly. Those who don’t have masks on, are ‘side-stepped’ a bit further, as if they have the dreaded lurgie, which is a bit odd, as all these masked strangers, outside of level 4 lockdown, are berift of masks, even when on public transport. The Govt is hell bent on opening the boarders again, for economic reasons – the GST is wanted along with workers taxes – both are scarce as there’s lower wages, more out of work, so less taxes. Many have turned to food banks who are employed, due to the rents being charged on the crappy propertys being let. Anyone attempting to get on the property ladder, mas to have a minimum of $150,000.00 for the deposit, which is about 10% of the cost of the place – and it’s often “a home handyman’s dream”, in need of money being spent on it, to make it more habitable & also to meet mandated Govt guidelines about “warm dry homes”. Even the Govt as landlord to thousands, is not on track to meet its own targets by the due date – a bit like the vaccine roll out ; the “leaders” got in dam fast for theirs, then pushed boarder workers to be jabbed or no jobs, then the Hospital Staff – same deal & that’s starting to get refusals. Most senior citizens have been jabbed & the age groups it’s available to has again been dropped, this time to 30 & over.

There’s problems with MIQ, when residents cannot return, even in medical emergencys, yet spots teams, public officials & certain other groups can come & go, without any fuss, which has Jacinda & company in many voters cross-hairs, for the next election. The alternative is in many folks veiw, a far worse deal, as her & her hubby, have been caught out selling Aincient Kauri slabs – unworked – as table tops. Most of the slabs sold went to China. The export of Aincient Kauri is prohibited yet she & hubby got off Scott free of any criminal liability.

The CCPP has been active in NZ, spying on citizens of New Zealand, Chinese or not, who bring up stuff the Emperor would rather remain buried, like former Emperors. The exposure of Chinas internal affairs, is not appreciated by the Chinese Govt who are quite blatant about the non-chinese whom they burgle &, or otherwise harrass. The Chinese community are running a bit scared, as many have family in Hong Kong, or on the mainland, who may be sought out by the Emperor, whom Australia has in the last few days, pissed off no end with yet another ‘exposΓ¨’ about internal affairs & the belt & road project. Several countries who signed up to the ‘plan’ are now Haveing regrets over that & are trying to pull out, as news of the quality of the finished jobs, is travelling. NZ, got Chinese made locomotives a few years back, which have been more trouble than they were worth . Kiwi Rail, should get its workshops back up & running, as then we may get a reliable product which doesn’t breakdown so often. The private company’s which now run what taxpayers owned, are running the plant into the ground, to maximise profits – it’s why in less than 40 years, NZ, has lost 99.99% of its long distance passenger trains & the roads, are falling to bits as they’re being made in some places, as the Geo-technical work wasn’t done correctly, adding excessive costs & time delays to the projects.

3 Sept ; A hacker took out the whole country’s internet for over an hour today, & the wifi router developed a fault & has to go back – after lockdown, plus, there was also a ‘run-amuk” individual at a mall in Auckland’s New Lynn, who after injuring 4, was shot dead by police. There’s even been a Covid-19 denier, done a runner – got caught & put into a secure MIQ facility, under guard – he had a’ guest appearance’ in the Auckland District Court, via video. Never a dull moment here πŸ€”β˜ΊοΈ Meanwhile, the delta variant numbers have hit close to 300, most in Auckland, with at least 9 in ICU with 7 on respirators. Wellington, has 16 cases, & is still on lockdown at level 3 – Auckland is still Level 4.

The first 3 days of spring, have been beautifully warm & sunny – dang cold nights tho. The last of the daffodils in the park are coming out – all the early blooms have been nicked, by passers thru the park. Other spring flowering trees are starting to bust into Bloom – late blooming Magnolias, Fruit Trees, flowering fruit trees, Kowhai, Koromiko ( hebe), Khamahi, & others, with flowering cherry’s starting to Bloom, which will provide food for insects & later birds will get the fruit – which is small & quite tart. Deciduous exotic trees are breaking bud, the evergreens like Camelias, are blooming, & looking really nice, until the flower rot, gets to the blooms, Winter Sweet was early – it bloomed while it had green leaves oddly, & Witch Hazel is yet to flower, Helibores are blooming well & should do for a week or two yet.

While collecting drinking water today, seeds from White flowering Kaka Beak & Native Jasmine were distributed this trip, one a few days back Shitakae Mushroom spores were distributed onto rotting logs – it would be good, were the spores to grow. It would then be a matter of the locals not recognising them, which maybe a big ask, as 3 patches of watercress & two mint patches, have been stripped bare – it’s not like there was enough to make a feed for more than one & that would have been a very small meal.

The city is still a bit like a Ghost Town, while the lockdown continues, with no end in sight, for anyone. Everyone’s wearing masks, wether on buses, trains, ride shares or just on foot. There’s more masks this lockdown than in the first, due to the fears about the local cases – there’s been vaccination stations, being set up all around the city & folks are waiting in the weather, no matter what, to get their first, or second jab, and yes, we are being told that the Pfizer vaccine, that we’re getting – no options – there will be a 3rd shot given at present, though I’m expecting that to change, as the latest variant I’m aware of is C-1-2, out of Africa, yet bugger all from about it from the ‘dear leader’ & freinds.

Will post this for now, Whishing one & all, a safe & healthy future. Namaste πŸ™ πŸ’Ÿ

Lockdown – Again

As of midnight Tuesday 18th Aug, New Zealand, was put into lockdown, due to an imported, infectious person from New South Wales, Australia , via the “travel bubble” . There’s now also one community case /cluster of the Delta variant. I was lucky, getting to the GP’s & a supermarket, one day prior to the lockdown. On the return from the GP’s etc, everyone, for once, was wearing their masks. I was wondering why, I was isolated on the bus – everyone else knew of the Auckland case except myself. Now, everyone is masked, on or off transport, & observing ‘social distanceing’. The city is all but dead, with only chemist’s, supermarkets are open that I’ve seen today. One good thing about this is, that being on the pension, priority is given to the senior citizens.

Some measure of pressure has come from the hospital, for a vaccination – the GP, is not interested in anyone he cannot keep unwell with the prescriptions he writes, & it shows. All he’s interested in is the money – he slipped that into a conversation some time back, before he got push back for making defamatory allegations against myself, to any who would listen to him. Pity that, as he could be a good doctor, were it not for his slack-assed attitude toward patients, makeing himself scarce from some time back – before covid came along, claiming “over worked” yet his hours are down to 6, per day, for 5 days & a ‘holiday’ every few weeks, for a week or two – now, he’s being forced to cut back as one of the infected, went to the surgery the next day, along with the local supermarket, which will make for difficulty for some citizens, unable to access the places ; there’s another 7 ‘places of intrest’ in town, mostly in the southern suburbs, so another 2 days of lockdown, at least. The police are active this time round, Haveing issued over 200 warnings & about 70 citations, to appear in court. As to where this police action has occurred, hasn’t been released. The Govt, are bleating a lot about folks not using the QR codes or signing in. Most won’t use the tracer app, as there’s to many false contacts, as the app requires Bluetooth to be on & that means a flat battery, within a short period + many are reluctant to get the jab, for a virus which has yet to be isolated, and the rush to get the vaccines to market, without them being fully tested, prior to release on the population, for the mass experiment, with an “enhanced capacity” virus, released from an untrustworthy nation – China, whose vaccine was one of the first to fail, followed by the Russian effort, then the problems with Astrazeneca & Pfizer vaccines, J&J’s vaccine, is still to be approved by the FDA & CDC , neither of which are trustworthy, in my humble opinion – just like China, Russia & the USA – the company’s producing these vaccines, are makeing excessive profits off people’s suffering. This in turn is generating other issues in the communities world wide, for the bulk of the people on earth, while the politicians & the “important people”, got their jabs, real fast & appear to have screwed up on everyone else – nice πŸ˜’πŸ€”πŸ˜πŸ˜Ÿ. A case of Covid has also appeared in Christchurch – we wait with baited breath, to here if it’s gone further south – guess we will soon find out, when it comes to lifting the lockdown . Nice hearing the Dawn Chorus again, though the birds seem a bit mixed up, starting the chorus about 4:30 am – at least 2 hours before any colour in the sky, wet or fine. Seriously considering, heading for the hills, gor a walk around the bush tracks, which should take about 4-5 hours, going thru 3 parks, all well covered in Bush, with at least 5 Springs to drink from, should it be nessecery – each tastes slightly different due to the rock strata it comes out of. Sweet tasting, & this quenching. Not much colour to the sunset today, nor the sunrise, which is a bit odd.

It’s the 26-8-2021 & entering another week of lockdown. Now with COVID-19 in town – 12 cases last heard – 90% of citizens are masked, when on foot, All passengers on public transport are masked – the bus drivers have been ‘isolated’, as passengers embark & disembark, via the rear door. Aircraft are “no mask, no flight”, & I expect anyone on the interisland ferry’s, will be masked for the trip, unless consuming refreshments.

Words of anger, have been noted from the Emperor of China, re Japan’s support of Taiwan. Why the words now, when China has already started expanding beyond its traditional boarder – the Great Wall, which was built to keep the “barbarians” out of the country – into Tibet & Inner Mongolia. The belt & road initiative, should also be noted as an expansion of territory, along with the reclamation of the shoals in the South China Sea – an area claimed by several of Chinas neighbours, yet the activity continues. “Rocket-man” has gone quiet lately – his spies will be watching the hawks in the capitol building in Washington, as will his freinds.

Covid-19 vaccines; there’s now talk from Israel, the most vaccinated peoples on earth, of a 3rd shot being needed for covid – this is sounding like a new improved seasonal flu, for population control numbers. The fear, has been generated, the supply. chains are disrupted, and a neuvo poor, have met the coal face of the hard up working poor – salary of $70,000.00 are bleating about being hard done by – they should try being on the under-employed benifit from welfare, or try life on a pension, or better still try the wages that workers get, for makeing their high street clothes or electronic gadgets , as then they would have plenty to moan about. As it is, everything seems to be falling apart from hospitals, small businesses, some larger ones that have limited income due to the nature of the buisness – hotels not in the MIQ system, or booked out by the ministry of social development, for the rough sleepers.

The colour in the early morning sky of late, has been quite vibrant, which isn’t a ‘sign’ that’s good to see, especialy when the colour is vivid – it indicates foul weather on the way. The early evening colour has been near to nonexistant, which isn’t a good thing – would rather there be colour in the evening, as it denotes a spell of good weather – a good time to sow mushroom spores – Reishi & Shitakae – on the rotting logs in the park over the road – ‘twould be nice, were the sores to grow & fruit, even better if the magic mushroom foragers would leave them be. The stream, has dropped its bed by 6 + inches, over this winter,,,,, nearly undermining an 80 year old tree that’s in good health, just the wrong place, as the stream is trying hard to reclaim its full flood plane – to try stopping the erosion of the banks, several big boulders were placed along parts of the track – these are being undermined already & one stone I could just manage 10 years ago, has been moved by the stream some 8 feet down stream. The tree trunks, ct up from fallen ‘giants’ & left for years, have this year been moved several yards down stream – the water level rarely gets over 6 inches, though going by the plants on the banks, it’s been over 2 feet deep in places across 5 feet of bed, other narrower bits, it would have been up closer to 5 feet. The springs along the tracks in adjacent parks, have cut deeper, one of them, filling its weir which at winters start had some 6 feet of depth, 10 feet width & close to 15 feet upstream, all got filled to over full. This has been a wet winter, most of it overnight though a couple of multiday falls, generating floods & slips. There don’t seem to be as many birds about this year & similarly with insects – this is of concern.

Helpful hint for those lovely Reader’s who make their own yoghurt ; if you use the packet mix that ready in 12 hours, when initially mixing it, empty a Probiotic Capsule into the mix. This will give a massive boost to your gastrointestinal biome, and it also makes the yoghurt a lot thicker. If you make it from scratch, with milk + whole milk powder, add the empty capsule to the mix & stir in, then cover & ‘put to bed’, until morning – store in fridge. Can be used like butter milk, in baking for moister cakes ; Smoothies for better nutrition as it works with both fruit or vegetable versions. πŸ‘πŸ™‚

Local news – talking about future employment contracts – ” No Jab = No Job” – this is going to be a real bugbear for many. I’m waiting now to see if NZ’s covid infection rate, goes up post vaccination, as it’s done in Israel, UK & elsewhere with reinfection of fully vaccinated persons. Aparently “Ivermectin” works real well & it’s cheap, as it’s out of patent – something that would bugger the profits of the Greedy & the calous employees of big pharma, who are funded to produce favourable reports, just to push a product to gain profit. Wouldn’t like to be in their shoes, when they meet their maker.

Stay Healthy, lovely Readers – if your in doubt, eat non processed food where-ever possible. Keep your Zinc, Selenium, Echinachia & garlic levels up along with vit c – up to 6x500mcg per day, is used by the body & get sunlight on your bare skin – it’s the cheapest way to get vitamin D as it’s made by your skin from interaction with sunlight. Look into natural antivirals like Reishi Mushrooms, pine oil, eucalyptus oil, olive leaves, along with plants native to your region of the world, which have antiviral/biotic like actions – combine ingredients, cover with water & bake at a low temperature, for a few hours – try not to boil the mix as excess heat may damage the end Tincture. Decant into a sterile bottle, with natural salt, as preservative – to taste. Cap & store in refrigerator – this should have a shelf life of 5 years ; give it a shake ahead of use, to “wake up” the ingredients & use by the drop – 6 being the norm, 3 X daily as a sublingual for best absorbtion.

Catch you all in a while. Take care of yourselves & maintain as much as possible, a pleasant disposition. Namaste πŸ™ πŸ’Ÿ

Empaths observations

The burglar is back – only due to, standing firm, on questions, that my landlord can answer – their latest response to me, is to provide that same neighbour, as before, with a copy of a “master key” ( my flat + the one abouve get entered, when we are out – upstairs, is invaded, just to make noise & create a disturbance).

For me, it’s Caustic soda, in drinks ( crystals), and ‘summer oil’, Merino Lanolin, s moisteriser & barrier cream, + hair conditioner. The drinks contaminated, generated gas, via the mouth. The effect from the lanolin, was slower, & lifted off skin, on the body parts it was used on – feet & hands ; this resulted in a 3 gram bag of it, being shown to police, along with the hands – only when I mentioned, that it stuffed up 2 factor identification, did they perk up & start taking photos – they were also advised, that as the hands had been all over, including the face, I’m fortunate, not to have been blinded. This same bag of skin was shown to MD’s, who thought it something else entirely – stupid, nonsensical, innately wrong answers. The reaction of both Police & MD’s, when advised, that Vinegar, was being used to neutralise the Caustic Soda, which is a corrosive, Alkaline substance, with a very strong liking, for organic Protiens – flesh, bone too, when done right. The Burglars co-offender, saw me in the supermarket a couple of days back, & the torrent of violence oriented, hatred, was noticeable, inside the market, & for more than 5 hours after – it even started again this morning ( prayers maybe πŸ˜‚), for a few hours. These two & their cohort in the office, do not realise the damage they do to themselves, as generater of said energy ; as the owner, of said creation, which the owner then tries to disown – though none to well, as all of the plots & schemes over the term of my tenancy, have failed. The police helped, nail the sod, who narcked me, for Haveing a window, full of pot plants – 2 years & Not One Visit. “Norbert the Narc” must have been so, so, upset, poor wee man?. I’m expecting more, and have in place, several means of detection, for intruders – I must remember, to put it ( the security receiver) under lock & key, every time I go out. The two conspiritors, are from the same Iwi ( tribe) & are operating on misinformation, so the tribe, is widely referred to as “nutty porow’, due to the number of tribe members, who are kicked off their ‘land, etc’, for behavioural issues, such is Marae Justice – toss out the tribal trsh, & back to life as before, while the wider community, picks up the pieces, or suffers the assaults, burglarys, along with the further damage, to their partners & children, sadly. There’s only so much, can be done for some, who chose to change for the better.

😊 2 – 3 times weekly, the local park’s spring fed stream is visited, for “rations” of clean water. Even the house plants notice the difference, between city & stream water. πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ πŸ˜‹. This winter, here, has been the warmest on record, yet there’s been days, when it’s felt a lot colder inside, even with the heater on. Outside, could be favourably described as chilly, with brisk to gale force winds, carrying rain, varying from misty fime stuff, like low flying clouds, to heavy – heavy & loud enough, to be heard on tin roofs, across the road. The winds, are changeable today, for good measure, & to tell truth, it would come as no surprise to see more snow on the Rimutaka Hills – the road, was shut a couple of days back due to weather, & it’s effects have been regional. Fallen trees, slips – closed roads & at least one rail line. There’s even been a “one in a hundred years flood” in the Northern South Island, with the area north of a line across from Christchurch, to Gremouth north.

Mean while, up in the northern Hemisphere, the weather is playing havoc with water reserves – in some places, while flooding others , fresh forest fires, which came early, this year, plus warmer temperatures all round. Officially, New Zealand, has just had its warmest winter, since records began. Australia, got whacked with heavy rains – not all in the right places, nor the right amounts, plus their fire season is very early this year. They also keep getting outbreaks of “sars-covi-2”, which is really starting to get up a few noses, as any foreign trips, are off for the time being, unless you cop the whole cost of the MIQ, on your return , which is the norm here, though the Govt, isn’t Haveing much luck in getting the πŸ’°, from the “guests” of MIQ. That sounds a lot like the student loans scheme. Many took off for foreign shores, to avoid their student loan debts. These kiwis, now, cannot come into the country, unless their student loans are redeemed, in full or in part, along with MIQ costs added. Could get expensive, as the airline seats, ain’t cheap no more, either.

Despite the “pandemic” – scamdemic / plandemic, life continues, though with greater unrest & distrust, generally amongst most people. I’ve come across more trolls on youtube, this year, than in any other & they troll at the slightest excuse. Nice folks those trolls πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚, wonderful to teach them, to be better persons, with a few words – seems to get a tick of approval, though one ‘spectator’ was looking for a scrap to start – he got disappointed πŸ˜₯, from the “well that didn’t last long” post. β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜€πŸ™‚.

It’s now Aug 17 – second day of third lockdown for covid ( 1st delta variant cluster), and certain sections of the community are concerned – Auckland & Coromandel Peninsular, with 70 ‘locations of intrest’ , to date with minimum 10 cases to date . Everyone over the age of 12, must wear a mask ! . The Govt, has no idea how the variant got into the country either, as there are no boarder contacts in the main group, with one of Air New Zealand’s cabin crew was diagnosed with covid & is not connected to the cluster. It’s strange, being in lockdown again – the “Dawn Chorus” was audible this morning, and really nice sounds to be brought out of one’s slumbers to, πŸ‘. Even well after sun up, the birds, out volume the traffic

The burglar, is getting desperate, putting Caustic Soda, into lanolin, coffee & drinking chocolate – not only is he trying to damge the internal functions, he’s also in putting it into lanolin, caused ‘burns’ to appear on my feet, fingers & hands – there were a couple of light touches of the lanolin, for hair conditioning ( Caustic Soda, is used in hair saloons to straighten hair – leave it in to long, & the hair will melt to a goo, with a side of scalp damage), & to moisturise dry skin. It was on my face, ( could have been blinded), etc. Up to 2 grams of skin per day, was coming off at one point ; the police took notice only, when they were told “it’s buggered up two factor authentication” – only then did they take photos, yet refuse to deal with the cowardly theif/burglar, so each day that I pass his open windows, he gets an earful from me, reminding him of his errors, and recently, advising him “see you in court, Perjurer” ; keeps his curtains drawn – if they’re open, he’s often caught going to ground, thinking he hasn’t been seen.

To date, the burglar is responsible for several job losses in the landlords office, plus an Adjudicator in Tenancy Tribunal. The Ombudsman’s office is involved, for what that’s worth, as is the Privacy Commission & other partys (public servants : civil list).

A few storms have been thru of late – winters death throws & summers birthing pains – and stronger, more damaging as well. There’s been snow to below 1,000 meters, north & south of my location. Rain has also generated problems for the north of the South Island & the south of the North Island. That downpour, was said to be a “one in a century” event, which is not correct – it was the heaviest on record for the area, and in living memory, which is longer than the records. Each of the ‘blows’ that’s come thru, has brought down dead trees, live trees & large, low branches on the ‘old man pines – pinus radiata’ , & a couple of days back, the main road north, out of Wellington, got shut suddenly, when a portion of the Escarpment “slipped” down the steep slope, knocking a commuter train service off its tracks, as well as spilling onto the road, shutting that. Any light vehicles, wanting to get to Wellington, had to turn round, head back up north two settlements, & find the Akatarawa Hill road, and get over that – it’s barely wide enough for 2 cars or small vans to get past each other, entering via the Hutt Valley , adding time & miles, to the trip ; cannot have been a big slip, as all train services were operating that afternoon

Have been spending time going down the YouTube rabbit hole, on History = Aincient ; engineering, various fruits that are difficult or expensive to purchase, like Durian ; Mushrooms & their attributes ; “free” energy devices ; Chemistry ; Space scenery & information ; and even some of the shows, from the days when radio, didn’t have pictures broadcast, along with early TV series like the Beverly Hillbillys, The Goon Show & others – They got away with murder ; Saturday Theater ( BBC & CBS). The AI, has decided that I must see the “star trek continues” – a fan production, and Highway to Heaven, has been very prominent as well, along with a bunch of stuff of more intrest to “petrol heads”, or ‘Drifters’ & boys/girls, who like special paint mixes on their vehicles.

It’s turned out a beautiful day, so I’m off for a walk – as permitted, under level 4 lockdown. Have a safe & enjoyable life, lovely Readers.

Empaths Observations

Again, certain supporters of a state in conflict, supply arms to the state/offender, while staying quiet about the war crimes committed to the occupied, and controlled. Why even their former enemys, have started to become freinds, as they know, without doubt, they cannot push harder than the favoured state can shove – ask those neighbouring nations, who have been double delt, by the favoured state & it’s supporters.

Uncle Sam, apparently continues to be a bad uncle, to most of his own population, thinking nothing of letting hundreds of thousands die ” from nothing worse than the seasonal flu”, said former potus trump, who got it, along with the very best team, numbering 70, to care for one corrupt individual – still plotting & ‘disposing of enemys, made out of jealousy, from a commander in cheif, who never did a scerick of training, for a stint of Army life, got a “medical certificate of exemption” – for bone spurs, which don’t appear to interfere with his golfing obsession ( wonder if his caddy’s still “find”, “lost balls” some of which appeared on the green. Say, what ! 😱

The rich country’s, jumped in, got their vaccine allocation, some started vaccinating, others, had to make do, with what was available, which in certain lands, is “broken” & cannot keep up, with the cases, and in India, the Creamtoriums, are working 20 hours per day, can’t cope, so funeral pyers, have been set up in such numbers, it’s like a small town, and still, the body’s come, to Mother Ganges, which is starting to become clogged with bodys – where’s the sharks & gators, when you need them, to help clean up. Oh yeah, that’s right, we finned the sharks for soup, and got the gators turned into high priced, vanity objects . ‘Silly Us’ – especialy with nature.

As Winter approaches, and the leaves change colour & fall – the exotics & a couple of natives, which  though they are still to drop, are sending out new growth with blooms in all stages of maturity. This, is abnormal behaviour as the deciduous natives, normaly drop last year’s leaves – maybe later in the year, though never before flowering . Wintersweet, is still retaining last years green leaves, which should have dropped, ahead of its starting to bloom. Dawn these days, is often tainted by a level of pollution, which sunlight has to penetrate first, giving usually, a dirty light orange-peach, colours showing. Though a few days back, there was a gloriously coloured dawn, forecasting foul weather, in the next couple of days. The foul weather came from all directions, and with snow on the hills to the north of town – ” Snow in May, never stays”, popped out of a Senior’s mouth, which goes back some way. Must be enough, for the Southern Skifields, and the Australian tourists, that are travelling around the country. There’s also now, travel permitted to Rarotonga & the Cook Islands, which must come as a releif to the Cook Islanders & those locals, who have air miles to use, that were refunds due to covid, unless you can afford the cost of a ticket – they ain’t inexpensive.

A lot of “freedoms” have been lost to many, all due to the elites population control, via pestilence, plagues – mice in Australia, Locusts in Africa – which could be eaten by both human and animal, alike. The insects, have protien, fiber, and minerals & more. The degradation of drinking water – most local bottled water, is from Aqafiers, and will potentialy be subject to tainting with Nitrates and other not so nice additives. That said, my drinking water, comes from a spring fed Stream – 1 of 20 in total, within a 45 Min bus or train trip, & a walk, along either a busy road, or below that, scrambling over rocks, until you reach your goal, otherwise it’s upto an hours walk each way, to any others, with or without transport involved – it’s so worth the effort, for the taste of untouched by humans, water – just the minerals and any tannins that have got in, from the bush floor. The house plants prefer it to tap water, which is impressive ; Right Thoughts, Right Actions ; the plants I do have, are either in bud or in bloom, which has been a surprise, as the colour range appears to have increased, more than expected. The 100years + young neighbour, has some like these and she’s aware of my collection, being a bit incredulous, when she was advised one was close to 40 years, and that none of the plants like the new flat, as there’s less light and it’s cooler. The plants are doing OK, as another 4 colour ways, have been added since Covid-19 ; the Kaka-Beak seeds, are now heading to 24 inches, in one year ( the seeds are from a 50 + year young shrub)

Helpful hint ; home made – packet – yoghurt. When mixing the dry & wet ingredients, for a more benificial probiotioc load in the yoghurt, empty 1 only, capsule of probiotics to the mix, and finish as usual. The finished product, is – if it’s the normal blend – comes out not unlike Greek Style yoghurt. Use as per normal. Do not go to excess with this, as it’s a sudden boost to your Gastrointestinal biota, & to much, may dry you out a bit. Overall, Digestion improves markedly. A fully home made yoghurt – easy to make & makes in excess of 3 litres of yoghurt.

Full home made yoghurt ; ingredients – 1 teaspn of starter, to be added to, when cooled, 2 litres of full cream milk & 300 mils cream + 2-3 tablespns of Whole Milk Powder + 1 capsule of Probiotics emptied & stirred in. Wrap well, and place in warm space – on top of hot water cylinder, or a very cool oven – set at less than 100Β°c, and turned off, for the night. In the morning on unwrapping, you should have a thick yoghurt, or with more of the milk powder – double – you get something akin to cream cheese. Both of the abouve options, are Not Sweetened, or flavoured, that, is your choice, lovely Reader.

Expect prices to rise, it’s just been revealed on RNZ, that the Freight Company’s, are jacking up shipping costs by 8,000% , on 12 cubic meter containers, despite the contracted prices, to which they’ve agreed. Nice to see where the vultures are starting to feed, and just how much, it is, that we as a seicies, have lost in the process. It’s becoming very important, for the people to “wake up” to what’s (not) going on around them, by way of our ‘leaders’ and those from whom they take direction, which is not they, who put these ‘leaders’ into office, Wether by direct vote, or beuracratic appointment.

It would seem that the Police, have been talking with my annoying neighbour – he’s been told that harassing someone for years, for no reason, other than malicious gossip , will should he continue, be reason enough to arrest on hate crime charges. His co-conspirator, is highly pissed off, and has been sending out ‘scouts’, to search for me, in the park – wether he sees me go in or not – all of the ‘scouts’ have been sprung, & advised they’ve been suckered, by a load of BS, which the utterer cannot prove.

This has gone to long, dear readers & maybe a bit out of date. The Covid debacle, is looking more like a “plandemic “, than a pandemic – the numbers don’t stack up, for anything – the death rate, vaccine effectiveness – Cinovax, has proved useless, in Africa, which is in a 3rd wave of infection – delta variant, which is the most doninant strain. The Russian vaccine” Sputnik 5″ , there’s not much data about the vaccine, or it effectaciousness. Astra Zenica, have been required by the FDA to alter, downward the effectiveness of that vaccine. The Pfizer Bio-n-tech vaccine, has delivery issues. All of the Pharmacutical company’s when doing the clinical trials, “fudged the numbers” – the control group was 8, the uncontrolled group, 150, & that’s how Pfizer got its 90+% rating. The Delta variant, is the most potent of the covid variants.

The travel bubble with Australia, keeps being popped, from the Australian side of the ditch. At least the Cook Islands, bubble is still operational.

The MIQ beds, are being used for anyone but New Zealanders, wanting in to visit, while kiwis, are left, like Australians, in limbo, only the Australians, are now prohibiting, Australian citizens, in India, from returning, on pain of a $60,000.00 fine, + jail time.

On a brighter note, the Spring flowers, are busting into Bloom, though some of the deciduous trees, still have last years leaves on, along with this year’s blooms. There’s been sufficient rainfall, to refresh the bush floor plants, & springs, which has generated a good show from the Gloworms, visable after dark only.

Best Whishes, to you, Dear Reader, in this & your future days.

I trust the videos, have been of use, for some.

Namaste πŸ™ πŸ’Ÿ

Empaths Observations

An unwell North Island Robin, as a house guest.

The abouve small bird, was sitting on the ground, right on one of the tracks – no one, would have realised that this bird, is rear – this maybe the first one, that came into Central Park, ever. It’s taken then 4 years to get from Zelandia, over 2 ridges – one with humans etc – and 3 valleys. Quite a feat, for a weak flyer, that’s inquisitive by nature.

I’m hoping it will recover sufficiently enough to be returned to the wild. Though at present, it’s as puffed up, as when found. Cupping it, at about the hearts level, helped quieten it, during transport.

The electro-magnetic fields in my flat must have got to much for it, as the bird got out of both shielded sites, and decided to explore the flat – straight into the bedroom, at which point, I figure it’s time to put you back in the wild. It was helped, as it could be, with very dilute rescue remedy, for the distress of an attack, which took an eye, + a weak dose of goldenseal – antibiotic like side-benifits, and a bit of time. When the Robin was handled, it was cupped in hand, within the gap between the pectorals, so it could hear my heart β™₯ beat.

I went over the next day for drinking water, & looking for feathers or anything of the Robin. Nothing – so I presumed that it survived the night, and is alive & ‘well’.

The Duke of Edinburgh is dead, long live the Duke of Edinburgh. Sympathy to the Queen, and commiserations.

Now the covid vaccines are being rolled out, it’s quite interesting, seeing who is & is not, a “front-line” worker, or one of the most senior of the senior citizens, lining up for their shots. With the newer variants, Astra-zenica, got in a spat with the FDA & reduced the effectiveness of its jab to 67% , the rest of the vaccines, are a question mark, with the variants from UK, Brazil, South Africa,

2 new ones in the USA – New York & California, and now India, has a ‘Double addaptation’, which is sweeping the country. The virus, is getting into younger victims, now it’s 20 – 50 years, though younger & older, are still getting caught. To my knowledge, there’s the Astra Zenica vaccine, Pfizer Bio-ntech, China has a vaccine, as does Russia, with “Sputnik”. πŸ€”πŸ™„

I’ve put weight on recently, no thanks to the Pharmacuticals, which has enlarged my chest ; medium used to cover the lumps & bumps, it now appears, that either XL, or XXL, for a proper fit. Thankfully, the waistline, still fills a medium, or about 34cm, up 2cm, despite going on with calorie restriction with high fiber intake, the weight persists. πŸ™„πŸ™‚

Autumnal colours are starting to appear, though by now most exotic deciduous trees, would be majorly yellow, instead, they are mostly Green. Even a couple of the Natives which drop leaves, are holding Green, with one, setting forth new seasons flowers, very, very, early – the flowers normally come on a naked tree, at the start of the new season – looks like Tui, will be in for a bonus of a long nectar season, + fruit.

As winter draws in, watching the early predawn light, in/on the clouds. With buisness ‘back to normal’, the dark pall of pollution is back, and most noticeable, as it sits well abouve the hills, and even after the sun is risen, the pollution can be caught, via periferal vision. Similar, though very different, have been a ” fan of shadows ” each a different colour, occasionally visable , when walking, usually in heavy shade, these appear. Several fresh native seeds have been started, with some success, with 2 pink & 3 red Kaka Beak Bushes, started & growing well, along with a Honeysuckle, & the tip I broke off by accident, of another plant, the original, now being in flower, looking very nice, & haveing to help it remain as upright as possible.

A few days later – much has happened, the travel bubble with Australia is on, and already, someone’s breached the Perth lockdown & bypassed requirements to enter New Zealand, driving up to the far north. As for the vaccines, Pfizer N-Boitech, is now up for question, with one person infected in New Zealand, who had both measures of vaccine & wearing ppe, got infected, while cleaning an aircraft cabin, after a flight from which 47 turned positive in MIQ, thankfully. As for the bubble ‘buster’ he’s now in Quarantine, & may well be made an example of.

As to our vaccine roll out, seems it’s a “rolls canardly”, as it’s seemed to stop at the boarder workers & their imeadiate family, has stalled a bit with hospital staff, and that’s about as far as that’s gone. The hold ups, being the Pharmacutical company’s & the world’s 3 richest countrys greed, in buying up every bit of production, and the company’s themselves, thotteling production, in persuit of profit, for shareholders & ‘ to hell with the people, as long as we get our money ‘, hence calls from some governments for the patents to be made over for the ” commons ” , then production will ramp up.

The local neighbourhood, has taken a hit in the last few days, with a murder, on this property, in another building. Theres been one appear in court as a result. The police & ambulance, got their wires crossed and initially were going to enter a local driveway, changed their minds, went up the street, stopped, then decided the building I used to be in, was the place – NOT. Eventually, they got it right, as I found out next day when door to door question time, came via the police. Seems the answers ftom most of the neighbours, was along the line of ” no, don’t know / haven’t heard anything. Only a day prior to the murder, I decided it would be a nice day out, at one of the Regional Farm Parks. No sign of animals grazing or Haveing been grazing for months. No horses either from the pony club, or the ‘olde time wagon ride’, or even the tram museum was operating. The amount of erosion, from last visit to now, has been noticeable, with the walk along the shoreline of Paekakariki, is for some distance now, a mix of treated log sections, plus, several meters of large boulders, have been dropped, in an effort, to reduce the amount of erosion – the rock wall, never used to be there. Up the coast, 100 foot high sand dunes, covered with trees, shrubs, and grasses, had vanished, along with more of the car park, for QEll Park. Despite the damage, it was a nice wander along the beach and along some of the tracks almost the dunes, with mostly insects for company and the odd startled pheasant, along with curious song birds.

The seedlings mentioned abouve, have started to get quite tall, after their drink of yoghurt & iron Phosphate, they’ve also had a few additional nutrients added, which has given them more of a boost. I trust that seeds planted just ahead of the latest full or new moon, do well.

The long term weather forecast, is for dry weather, with has the farmers starting to become concerned. Ti wai pint aluminium smelter, is looking at getting its supply reduced, so there’s sufficient for the rest of the country. Speaking of aliminum smelters at Ti Wai Point, they have been caught up in a scandal about their dross disposal – namely, where they’ve dumped the dross, which can’t be sold to councils, to add into the water supply. Drinking water in this house, is not brought, but is collected, from spring fed streams, that are local & not polluted by humans, just the earth & what’s added via the forest floor. β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘ A difference has been noticed in Neurological functions. The Hemp Seed Oil, has near got me off opiates, and the replenishment of some of the mineral shortages, are starting to pay off.

An aqaintence in a rest home, who has MS, was given a month’s supply of Potassium Phosphate + Hemp Seed Oil with Magnesium, which will assist thruout the body, and reduce some of the visable ‘symptoms/presentations’ , of the condition. I will know in one week, as the gardens in for a donation of a young Kaka-Beak shrub, in its original solid red, with a velvety appearance.

Empaths Observations

Now that vaccines are available for Covid-19, the fight is on for distribution, to the most needful groups in the community. The Airline Flight & Cabin Crew, Boarder staff + family’s, Airline related services staff – due to the last lockdown in Auckland.

Mean while things are Moveing with Australia’s deportation program – they’ve just deported a 15 year old, to New Zealand, without any sort of support in place, for the kid. This was done the anniversary  day for the Christchurch murders, committed by an Australian – 50 killed, and many more left “disabled” in various ways, by his actions. Australia, needs to take its trash home, just like the 501’s that are deported – it would also be right neighbourly, if Gina Reinhearts company, Rio Tinto, would deal with its aluminium smelters trash, instead of leaving it sitting where it has potential, to mix with water & generate all sorts of toxic & poisonous elements, into the environment – one site is beside a river, inside a rural towns boundary, another, is under 100 meters from a popular beach – this dump, has not long come to light, so secretive has Rio Tinto been, with its smelters waste materials.  They’ve also cancelled the citizenship of one woman ( with children), due to her going to the middle east, while ISIL, was in full force. This female, was living in Australia from about age 6, & she, was denied re-entry into Australia, due to that mistake. Australia, also has its criminals here in New Zealand – other than the mosque murderer, who are on the run from the law, yet as most have behaved themselves here, don’t get deported, do get benifits & voting rights, which is wrong, in my veiw, yet New Zealand, is ‘keeping the peace’ with Australia, by not bitching about their exported citizens.

It’s a few days on from the last paragraph (this is getting to be like a shaggy dog story), and much has occurred – the America’s cup, is again New Zealand’s cup, until the next fight over the “old mug”.

Covid shows not much sign of slowing its waves of infection, in many county’s, despite the roll out of vaccines, which despite the testing, are throwing up anomalies, in some folks, who have had adverse reactions.   All the hysteria, generated over Covid-19, and the hype about the vaccines, yet it’s still killed fewer than heart attacks, flu or several other diseases, from which many suffer.  The imuno-compromised , are at risk, just as the elderly are, especialy those who are in care facilities, who do not get a great deal of exercise, unfortuneately.   Most of the Seniors  I know, are active, to some degree or other, though some should be more active, wherever possible, to avert worse situations developing, which may kill faster, than Covid-19 does.

A former aqaintence, was in hospital recently, with pneumonia ( born with COPD), their being afflicted, by pneumonia, had repercussions for myself , with the reactions to the pharmacuticals I’m on, becoming more pronounced.  Drastic measures, on my part were needed, to amollerate some of the aggrivations, so it was off to the retail trail, to locate a natural remedy to help clear the lungs, and other items to combat the fatigue – the latter, reduced, as the deep lung support, started working its “magic”, bringing up many months of environmental muck, that had accumulated over time – the hospital speacilst, will have a  photo, of the first overnight output – there were earlier “productive coughs”, without much in the way of rubbish removed. Hopefully, this will be taken on board, by the hospital MD ; my GP, has had the riot act read to him, which has resulted in a change of attitude from him – I’m hopeful, his new attitude is for all of his “employers” = patients, and that he realises, that he doesn’t know as much as he should, if he’s wanting to cure, his paitients/employers, without adverse reactions, to pharmacutical drugs, putting off patients from finishing their prescribed course of drugs.

Helpful info : – Bay Laurel leaves, used to add flavour to various meals, is also a Blood Sugar Regulator. They are able to be ground to a powder, and fully incorporated into the meal, without any whole leaves on the side of the plate.     Thyme, Sage, have antibacterial & antiviral propertys, as well as adding flavour to meals, Rosemary, has similar propertys – do not plant Rosemary around Apple trees, they do not get on with each other, to the point that the Apples, will be sickly in appearance.    The flowers of the abouve mentioned herbs, can be eaten, as can lavender, which has relaxing propertys, and can aid in better sleep, either as an eaten item, or placed under a pillow.   Willow Bark, can be used as a mild Analgesic = pain killer. A piece half a centimetre square, should be placed in the mouth & allowed to be thoughly wet with saliva to start the process, then it gets swallowed – Asprin, was developed from a portion of this plant.   Valerian – a relaxant from which Vallium was produced. Valerian, is not as addictive as Vallium, as when the body is in need of a change, Valerian, acts in the opposite manner, unlike Vallium, which when the body is used to it, allows the symptoms to re-emerge.   Nasturtiums can be consumed – leaves & flowers, the flowers, due to their colourings have Lutien, which is helpful to eye sight, and there may be some measure of antioxidant as well.

  My sympathy, to those who have lost loved ones, whatever the cause of death.

Words : these have power, and can affect an individuals health, and more. Please, remember fellow co-creator, that the process of forming the words, belongs to the creator of said words, and further, the creator of said words, when spoken, hears them first – the individual at whom the words are aimed, is not affected to the same degree, as the generater of those words.    For your own well being, please be careful, with your words. There’s enough amimus, in the community now, from the likes of ‘Teflon Don’, ‘Vlad the Poisoner, MBS & his’ freind, ‘MZB’,  & the ‘Trump of the Tropics – Balsnaro of Brazil “, along with the rest of the dictators & authoritartian’ leaders’, still functioning, in many countrys to this day.  

It seems, that daily, there’s more strife and abuses, happening around the globe, which is not good for anyone.  It doesn’t matter how or where the abuses come from – governments, who allow the wealthy to evade taxes, to employers, who expect employees to work in whatever conditions & pay, that are offered.  The older workers, are being tossed out of employment, as easily as the gen Z-ers, despite their qualifications.  Buisness owners, want more product for less cost – same with consumers, yet at what cost to our environment.  Nano plastics, and glycophates, are in our food supplies, as are antibiotics – chickens, prawns, cattle, fruit & vege.

23-3-2021 ; Google is in a pickle, with the most recent update on the “System overview”. To correct the crashes, due to the update, go to Apps – Android System overview – uninstall updates. This should fix the problem – which is Global, & particularly affects Samsung, though most other Android phones, are subject to the problem. Hopefully, this helps get you back up & running, without crashing.

New Zealand, got another Covid-19 case, out of MIQ – one of the staff of the managed isolation & Qauranteen. So far, there’s been knee jerk reaction from the ‘authorities’ , other than to confirm the new case + contacts, are in isolation, & are being regularly checked up on. Which is slightly, reassuring – what’s more reassureing, is there’s no lockdowns, though All Public Transport, Masks 🎭, are mandatory. The Govt, is trying to get everyone to download the QR code reader app – it’s got many problems, going by the reviews + Govt, want everyone to have Bluetooth on – that’ll drain a few battery’s unless users have a spare battery to hook into their phones.

Summer here is drawing to a close, as the Autumnal colours, appear on the exotic trees, and the Autum Lillies & Crocus, come out to flower, along with a few of the native trees, which are heavily visited by bees from a nearby hive.

Wellington’s infrastructure, is falling to bits, as are other population centres – to high wages for lazy bums on seats, & not enough work, for what they’re being paid, so water in my flat, is used for cooking & bathing. Drinking water, is collected from a nearby, Spring fed Stream – such a noticeable change in the taste of the water, and it’s thirst quenching + refreshing. It’s helpful that the stream, supports multiple aquatic lifeforms.

Helpful info, on one or two herbs ; Bay Laurel ; young supple leaves should be collected & dried ( the older harder leaves also + branches – not to thick or they have to be split) the leaves when dry, can be ground – preferably in a morter & pestal ( no added heat to affect the medicinal propertys) to a powder, then added to your meal. There’s a caveat – carefully how much you use, as it can get one a bit light headed. The leaves, have Metabolic sugar control. When you use the leaves in this form, about a qauter teaspoon, in a meal for two, should avoid the light headedness. As for the branches, these can be used as Kebab sticks, or for Kofftas, without the need for the leaves. When done with the sticks, they can be used as support for plants, or put onto a fire and potash made for the garden or potted plants. FENNEL ; leaves, when young are tender, & can be dried & rubbed, for storage & later use. The Flowers & seeds, make a nice infusion to help with digestion, just like the leaves. The large bulbs, slice n dice, for a salad ingredient & flavour. Again moderation, to start, just in case you don’t like the flavour of the Fennel. Tarrogon ; a sweet herb, for inclusion in meals, of all descriptions – works well with mushrooms. It has anti-inflamatory propertys. Honey ; nice on toast, or to help balance a meals salty-sweet state. Can also be used medicinally, to help heal abrasions, and surgical wounds that are slow to heal – apply to bandages & lay over the site, change regularly as needed – the bandages, should be recycled, cleaned for further use.

I’m wondering how much longer, some of the ‘Dear Leaders’ will retain their grips on power, when most of them, don’t deserve to be the ‘Dear Leader’. Now that “Teflon Don” has been ousted, it looks like Biden, is wasting no time in repairing, the damages done. Which one of the abusers, will be next, to get kicked out of office ? Bo-Jo, could be a problem, now the UK’s vaccination program is well under way, despite the bungles, at the start of his premiership – cannot trust him, as he lies, unfortuneately, same with the Poisoner, and the other autocrats, come dictators, some of whom, have been willing & able to manipulate the outcomes of elections, to the detriment, of those they lead.

Native Wood Pidgeon, resting.
Last noticed Covid-19 listing’s
A veiw from the top of the “Transient” track, overlooking Wellington harbour. North-east direction.

Hope you enjoy the photos – they’ve been taken over the last year, between lockdowns.

# Empaths Observations

The device which was being used , finally ‘ gave up the ghost ‘ , and ceased to charge – which is not bad for a product that was still under warranty , and which had issues , relateing to the various electrical feilds generated by the bits which made it function . Both thighs have been burnt as has the thumb, first finger & palm , of one hand , when it was operateing , or changeing .

Being sensitive to electrical feilds , has been a common feature throughout my vessels life . High voltage lines used to generate migraines , when within 500 meters of active lines ; the old copper phone lines , could be heard ‘singing’, when walking a country mile . Cell phones & lap-tops , like early microwaves , are a problem – even modern microwaves , are given a few feet of space when operational – similarly with any generation handset , of a cellphone – they get nowhere close to the head , when one is able to get away with speaker phone – the hand, still cops it , ☺️ , even into the bones .

The house a couple of doors down, p er the road which got it’s front burnt in an arson attack , has been demolished and the new build started . It’s going to be more than the basement, plus ground floor ( which has been washed of all the pink protective coating off the timbers ) , with the first floor is being installed today , though I’m somewhat surprised at the number of I-beams , and sqaure steel supporting pillars that have been installed , with this build . This is a first , for a private dwelling that I’ve seen in the burbs – I’m wondering , if this is to do with the new building code , and the recent pullout of AIG insurance group from Wellington .

The Council’s actions since the Seddon series of qaukes , which did no damage , yet the council , have managed to stuff the New Library & Admin buildings , by taking out an air-bridge , which helped to stabilise both buildings – now , we are looking to demolished, or strengthen both , at great expense . The old Town Hall is shut for strengthening, and so soon after spending millions pn it’s last upgrade, and the Organ restoration ; all of it , going to waste , and ‘pop up’ library’s , to replace the centeral library . Wonderful .

While over in Centeral Park , a day or two ago, a female Kaka , was just out of reach , investigating the branches she was pearched on . This encounter lasted about 5 minuets . She was a Zralandia hatcling , as a couple of bands were on her leg .

As for the main stream , it’s gougeing it’s base deeper with each passing wet frount, which passes over – all of the tracks in the Poll Hill reserve , are being cut to peices by bike riders , making some parts very ‘intertesting’ , to traverse , without ending up on your butt, in the sticky mud , that got one slideing , either uphill or down . The tracks are none the less , worth the effort of walking , for the sights and sounds of the bush – and the encounters , with inqusitive native birds . Thankfully most of the rain that’s fallen here , this year has been overnight – only a couple of wet n wild days .

The Ombudsmans office , seen to have put me on hold , ♻️, to see what I do with the options, regarding the landlords ’employees/friends in the community . So , it looks like the SD card will need to be unencrypted , now that the laptop is able to be used again .

The Magolias, that are a bitixed up with this warmer weather , have now lost most of their leaves, and are about to flower for the second time – when they get to full bloom, they should look amazing , with their rose pink tinted white flowers , on each & every branch end – just in time for the next high winds , to remove all traces of petals .

Mushrooms of various descriptions are about – I caught a couple of youths hunkering down in the bush , off track & from their actions , appeared to be consumeing ‘magic mushrooms’ . Not much in the way of feilds mushrooms about , this season , again, sadly , though some of the large white native one’s , have made an appearance, along with a few ‘Fly Agric’ , no mouses ears , so far this season .

The neighbourhood trolls, have decided to be a lot more discrete of late , thankfully . I, must ‘bark’ more frequently , as it seems to get results for the whole neighbourhood . πŸ™‚

Still warm enough to confuse the vessel, when out walking , & similar . It gets a bit much having to disrobe, part way through a shopping trip , to stop the PreP drugs sideffects . With those in mind , today arrangements were made with the H2O2 (food grade) Hydrogen Peroxide , distributers, for a delivery , for medicinal purposes – another re-jigg of the blood mineral levels, plus gastrointestinal bacteria, along with any viruses, that are trying to ‘get a life’ . It will also afford some measure of pain releif , as an additional bonus .